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Cool New Finds (part one)! Crip Up the Kitchen: Tools, Tips, and Recipes for the Disabled Cook

Graphic with two sides: left side has a photo of Jules Sherred, author, wearing a black cap, black sweater, blue bow tie, glasses looking down on a black background. Right side has a silver spoon with liquid dripping from it  and at the top, Jules Sherred, then the title in gold/yellow - Crip Up The Kitchen with subtitle smaller in white - Tools, Tips, And Recipes For The Disabled Cook

Just last week I stumbled upon two Cool New Finds for Illness and Disability Warriors and I just couldn't wait to share!! I'll be breaking this into two parts because I want to give each one the attention it deserves! 😊

First up, is a new book by Jules Sherred, commercial food photographer and stylist, writer, journalist, and advocate for disability and trans rights: Crip Up The Kitchen: Tools, Tips, and Recipes for the Disabled Cook.

This book got my attention because it hits on a couple of personal notes for me. First, if you know me, you know I LOVE to cook!! It's one of my love languages, a form of therapy, and just plain fun! However, it can be a challenge on high pain days or when my fatigue is peaking. The other reason this hit home is because of my experience in the kitchen that lead me to discover my own chronic illnesses.

One day, when I was in my early 30s, I got up and made my way to the kitchen for my usual morning coffee. When I reached for the half-full carafe I suddenly felt pain in my fingers and my grasp was so weak I could barely hold it. It was significant enough to get my attention but I brushed it off as I tend to do. Over the next several years, I began to have bilateral pain and swelling in multiple joints, however one place that it hit hardest was my hands. I found certain tasks to be more difficult than others - such as cutting and carving - and would have to ask for help when able (shout out EDS!). I also found standing in one place for too long wasn't an option (go dysautonomia!!) I've heard stories similar to mine and many that present far more challenges from others in the illness and disability community. While I've read a number of blog posts or social media posts with tips and tricks, I've never come across something quite this comprehensive and inclusive. Crip Up the Kitchen aims to help disabled, neurodivergent, and chronically ill cooks alike!

Here is just one of the rave reviews written about the book: "I've never felt so understood and supported as I did reading Crip Up the Kitchen. Sherred is the kitchen whisperer for chronic pain folks like me who have avoided that room in the house for most of my life." --J. Albert Mann, author of The Degenerates and Fix 💜

I hope you'll share with all the amazing warriors in your life!!

And stay tuned for the next Cool New Finds post!! I promise it's a another good one!! 😊

Disclaimer: I nor Chronic Warrior Coaching, LLC are affiliated with this product. We just think it's pretty awesome!

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