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Self-discovery and Enlightenment at 60?! You bet!! 😎

So, about a year and a half ago, I saw a video on TikTok, of all places, that was life-changing for me! It was a clip from an interview with Sean Mendez about filming his documentary. During the filming, he looked over and saw his manifestation journal on the desk. He talked about how he had written all about having his music hit number one on the charts, selling out stadiums, etc...all of which had come true! However, at that moment he realized he had written nothing personal about himself - about how he felt (or would feel) - calm, happy in his body, loving himself. 💜

I was experiencing a lot of emotions at this time, personally, as many of us were in 2021 - beginning to finally process 2020. I had this small (faux) leather bound, pink journal that had been sitting on my desk for years. It was (is) the perfect pink! But I couldn't figure out what to do with it. I had tried journaling many times over the years and it just didn't work for me.

But, for some reason, on the day I saw that video, I knew that journal's purpose.

Now, I have to tell you, I was pretty skeptical about manifesting and really didn't know much about how to do it. But, I figured it couldn't hurt to give it a try! I began experimenting with different ways - writing my desires as current reality, writing mantras or quotes that resonated with me, and more. As I continued to journal, I started adding the date to the top of the page. Then, I began to use gratitude as a constant theme. When things I manifested came through, I began to go back and add the date they happened. Pretty powerful stuff!

Another thing that worked for me was giving myself permission to NOT stick to a particular plan. Some days I'd write pages while other days I'd just write a few important words. If I didn't write in it every day, that was ok too.

However, toward the end of last year, I found that I was barely writing. I kept thinking I'd get to it later in the day but that rarely worked out.

The thing is, journaling is one practice that truly helps me in profound ways! It helps me to get clear on my desires and goals, to recognize all that brings me joy - reflecting back all there is to be grateful for, and to see where things need more work - both personally and professionally. With that in mind, this year, I've decided to start my mornings by taking my coffee onto my patio where I'm fortunate to be surrounded by lots of huge trees and shrubs and even a little canal that's close enough to enjoy but far enough to not worry (too much) about our Florida gators! I simply enjoy watching the squirrels, ducks, and so many big, beautiful birds!! Each morning I ask the Universe what it has to show off today. One morning I was delighted by a gorgeous red shouldered hawk practically dancing in the sky with a white ibis - spectacular!! This is a gift I give to myself that gives me back so much more.

What daily rituals or practices do you have in place that feed your soul and shift your perspective when needed? 🌸

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