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Writer's pictureAudrey Adamson

A Transplant Journey: The Hamster Wheel of Medical Inefficiency

I am a human being. Seems pretty straight up, right? But I feel like a fuzzy little rodent running endlessness in a wheel of doom. (Maybe a tad bit Dramatic or not, I truly feel like I'm running place or, if I get moving forward, hit a wall-a big, thick brick wall. Here's the latest list of things needed to get on the transplant list: Psychiatrist clearance updated mammogram sent in immunologist letter to sub q prescription plan nephrologist letter regarding mobility I finally got the drug plan/insurance issue fixed thank Jesus. (Liker literally, it was such a mess I needed divine intervention.) I'm 90 percent sure my nephrologist provided a letter of my increased ambulation and exercise that I asked for in December. (Crap. I should probably follow up, but the transplant lady didn't say she still needed it) [EDIT: not even this is done. *huge sigh*] I sent a message to my doctor in regard to my sub-q I don't know if it's done? These are the strike-offs of my list. The two letters from my UAB doctors should have been the easy part. Turns.) (Sounds of wheel turning.) Come with me into the Hamster Wheel and I'll tell you about the other two issues. I have called my mammogram place, and nothing has happened. They didn't call me back or send my mammogram results. This is after I had asked them on my paperwork (with my signature) to share the information with them. It's been two weeks. I don't understand how hard this is (come on, Baptist Breast get your crap together). I feel stuck, cage bars visible from my wheel. I have been dealing with the administration for so many doctors and so many are not on their game (yes, they are busy but so am I and everyone else). My PCP didn't respond to my pharmacy, and I had to call them to get my meds called in. This is not the first time for this office, and I know it won't be the last. (Yeah, this isn't directly related to my transplant but it's still part of the overall problem of medical inefficiency.) And then there is the psychiatric letter saying I am of sound mind and taking meds, etc. But there is no form. My doctor was like what should it read after I explained what I was told. So, I had to call UAB and they haven't called me back. This is so tiring; I wish my last doctor had done this when asked. (At this point, I feel like a Smashing Pumpkins song.) I'll end this mess with this bible verse that came up as I have been working. I will be renewed in spirit even when my kidney is failing. I pray to let my rage evaporate. Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. — 2 Corinthians 4:16

Audrey Elaine Adamson Instagram: @spoononthewall Blog:

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